While we are waiting for the election to the European Parliament the situation in Ukraine should be a reminder that democracy cannot be taken for granted. To keep democracy we need to actively promote its values, and actively take part.
To encourage young people to take part in democracy, the Young European Federalists have launched the project MovEurope Forward 2014.
There are many ways to take part, and through this project we present a few options:
- Join on of our four pan-European actions – next up: “Democarcy under pressure” 17 to 19 March
- Take part in a local public consultation where you can meet local candidates for the European Parliament
- Join our one-day festivals for the bus tour of the MovEurope project
- Vote in the upcoming European Election
Youth participation in elections in Europe is falling, and in the European elections in 2009 it was as low as 29 %. We want to reverse this trend – but to do that we need your participation – and your vote!
Lets vote to MovEurope Forward!