Final event: Social rights in Europe?

Final event: Social rights in Europe?

While the European elections are approaching and the MoveEurope bus is coming back to Brussels after a series of public consultations through Europe, JEF Brussels, together with JEF-Belgium and JEF Europe and in cooperation with the Representation of the State…

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JEF Belgium towards the elections

JEF Belgium towards the elections

The Young European Federalists in Belgium (JEF Belgium) are carrying through with some activities in the run-up to the European Election 2014. Below you can find some events that JEF Belgium organised or participated in. Among the activities that have…

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Call for team members – Bus Tour

Call for team members – Bus Tour

From the 29 April until 19 May the MovEurope2014 bus tour is taking place, touching down in Brussels, Maastricht, Münster, Vienna, Bratislava, Budapest, Zagreb, Milan, Barcelona and Strasbourg. To join fill out the form below. At each stop the bus…

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European Village of the Youth

European Village of the Youth

Organised by JEF France, the « European Village of the Youth » have been on their way since January 25th. The European elections are on the horizon, thus JEF-France together with the French local sections are organising a forum where…

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